Online Survey

Click here to see online survey results for Our Parks Our JCSD!

Message from the Director

As the Director of the JCSD Parks & Recreation Department, it's my pleasure to announce a significant and transformative project that will redefine the future of parks and recreation in the Eastvale community.

We are launching the development of the JCSD Parks & Recreation Master Plan, which will further expand upon the groundwork established in the original plan from 2012 and its subsequent update in 2019. This endeavor offers an opportunity for community engagement, cooperation, and envisioning the long-term future of our parks and recreation services in Eastvale. As one of the few nationally accredited parks and recreation agencies in the country, our goal is to strive for excellence and exceed expectations. To attain this goal, your insights and suggestions are needed.

To ensure the development process is comprehensive and inclusive, we're joining forces with RHA Landscape Architects-Planners and Next Practice Partners, two nationally renowned planning experts. Led by Doug Grove and Neelay Bhatt, the team will facilitate widespread community engagement through surveys, community meetings, and planning sessions.

In reflecting on our commitment to serving the community, we've aptly named this journey "Our Parks, Our JCSD!"

The JCSD team remains committed to providing the highest quality services, programs, and events for the Eastvale community, and we look forward to completing this important document alongside each of you whom we so proudly serve.

Steve LawsonDirector of Parks & Recreation


  • Community Findings Presentation

    September 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m

    Eastvale Community Center
    See PPT here

  • Community Wide Surveys (Statistically-Valid and Online only)

    Summer 2024 - completed

  • Key Stakeholder Interviews / Community Meetings

    September 12 & 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m

    Eastvale Community Center

  • Staff Engagement

    September 2023 onwards - ongoing

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